In einer Woche wissen wir bereits wer den Eurovision Song Contest 2010 in Olso gewonnen hat. Wenn man den Buchmachern und Google glauben darf, dann hat Lena gute Chancen. Ich habe mir in den letzten Tagen während der Arbeit auf Youtube mal alle Beiträge angehört und muss nun sagen, es gibt durchaus Konkurrenz für Frau Meyer Landrut. Zum Beispiel der Beitrag aus Schweden, "This is my Life" von Anna Bergendahl. Happy Pfingsten!
23. Mai 2010
20. Mai 2010
The truth about Thailand
Eine Freundin aus Thailand, genauer Bangkok hat mir über Facebook den folgenden Text gemailt. Sie arbeitet so ziemlich genau in der Gegend, wo seit Tagen die blutigen Proteste toben. Grund für dieses wütende Email ist die Berichterstattung von CNN Thailand. Ein Video zum Thema von Al Jazeera gibt es am Ende des Textes. Es macht den Anschein, dass einmal mehr die Wahrnehmung im Land anders ist, als das was wir im Rest der Welt präsentiert kriegen... Die Macht der Medien!
Recently, CNN Thailand Correspondents Dan Rivers and Sarah Snider have
made me seriously reconsider your agency as a source for reliable and
accurate unbiased news. As of this writing, over thousands of CNN’s
viewers have already begun to question the accuracy and dependability of
its reporting as regards events in Afghanistan, Haiti, Iraq, Iran,
etc., in addition to Bangkok.
As a first-rate global news agency, CNN has an inherent professional duty to deliver all sides of the truth to the global public who have faithfully and sincerely placed their trust and reliance in you. Your news network, by its longtime transnational presence and extensive reach, has been put in a position of trust and care; CNN’s journalists, reporters, and researchers have a collective responsibility to follow the journalist's code and ethics to deliver and present facts from all facets of the story, not merely one-sided, shallow and sensational half-truths. The magnitude of harm or potential extent of damage that erroneous and fallacious news reporting can cause to (and exacerbate), not only a country’s internal state of affairs, economic well-being, and general international perception, but also the real lives and livelihood of the innocent and voiceless people of that nation, is enormous. CNN should not negligently discard its duty of care to the international populace by reporting single-sided or unverified facts and distorted truths drawn from superficial research, or display/distribute biased images which capture only one side of the actual event.
Mr. Rivers and Ms. Snider have NOT done their best under these life-threatening circumstances because many other foreign correspondents have done better. All of Mr. Rivers and Ms. Sniders' quotes and statements seem to have been solely taken from the anti-government protest leaders or their followers/sympathizers. Yet, all details about the government’s position have come from secondary resources. No direct interviews with government officials have been shown; no interviews or witness statements from ordinary Bangkok residents or civilians unaffiliated with the protesters, particularly those who have been harassed by or suffered at the hands of the protesters, have been circulated.
Why the discrepancy in source of information? Why the failure to report all of the government’s previous numerous attempts to negotiate or invitations for protesters to go home? Why no broadcasts shown of the myriad ways the red protesters have terrorized and harmed innocent civilians by burning their shops, enclosing burning tyres around apartment buildings, shooting glass marbles at civilians from high altitudes, attacking civilians in their cars, and worst of all, obstructing paramedics and ambulances carrying civilians injured by M79 grenade blasts during the Silom incident of April 24, 2010, thereby resulting in the sole civilian casualty? The entire timeline of events that have forced the government to take this difficult stance has been hugely and callously ignored in deference to the red ‘underdogs’.
Mr. Rivers and Ms. Snider’s choice of sensational vocabulary and terminology in every newscast or news report, and choice of images to broadcast, has resulted in law-abiding soldiers and the heavily-pressured Thai government being painted in a negative, harsh, and oppressive light, whereas the genuinely violent and law-breaking arm of the anti-government protesters - who are directly responsible for overt acts of aggression not only against armed soldiers but also against helpless, unarmed civilians and law-abiding apolitical residents of this once blooming metropolis (and whose actions under American law would by now be classified as terrorist activities) – are portrayed as righteous freedom fighters deserving of worldwide sympathy and support. This has mislead the various international Human Rights watchdogs to believe the Thai government are sending trigger-happy soldiers out to ruthlessly murder unarmed civilians without just cause.
As a current resident of "war zone" Bangkok who has experienced the effect of the Red protests first hand and is living in a state of constant terror and anxiety as to whether her family, friends, and home would get bombed or attacked by the hardcore anti-government vigilantes/paramilitary forces - I appeal to CNN's professional integrity to critically investigate and scrutinize the misinformed news reporting of your above-named correspondents. If they are incapable of obtaining genuine, authentic facts from any other source except the Red Protest leaders and red-sympathizing Thai translators or acquaintances, or from fellow non-Thai-speaking journalists who are similarly ignorant of Thai language, culture, history, and society, then perhaps CNN should consider reassigning field correspondents to Thailand.
I implore and urge you to please take serious action to correct or reverse the grave injustice that has been done to the Thai nation, her government, and the majority of law-abiding Thai citizens and expatriate residents by having endorsed and widely circulated poorly researched and misrepresented news coverage of the current ongoing political unrest and escalating violence in Thailand.
Copies of this open letter have also been distributed to other local as well as international news media and social networks for public information. Please feel free to contact me further should you require any additional concrete and reputable evidence in substantiation and corroboration of my complaints and claims stated hereinabove.
As a first-rate global news agency, CNN has an inherent professional duty to deliver all sides of the truth to the global public who have faithfully and sincerely placed their trust and reliance in you. Your news network, by its longtime transnational presence and extensive reach, has been put in a position of trust and care; CNN’s journalists, reporters, and researchers have a collective responsibility to follow the journalist's code and ethics to deliver and present facts from all facets of the story, not merely one-sided, shallow and sensational half-truths. The magnitude of harm or potential extent of damage that erroneous and fallacious news reporting can cause to (and exacerbate), not only a country’s internal state of affairs, economic well-being, and general international perception, but also the real lives and livelihood of the innocent and voiceless people of that nation, is enormous. CNN should not negligently discard its duty of care to the international populace by reporting single-sided or unverified facts and distorted truths drawn from superficial research, or display/distribute biased images which capture only one side of the actual event.
Mr. Rivers and Ms. Snider have NOT done their best under these life-threatening circumstances because many other foreign correspondents have done better. All of Mr. Rivers and Ms. Sniders' quotes and statements seem to have been solely taken from the anti-government protest leaders or their followers/sympathizers. Yet, all details about the government’s position have come from secondary resources. No direct interviews with government officials have been shown; no interviews or witness statements from ordinary Bangkok residents or civilians unaffiliated with the protesters, particularly those who have been harassed by or suffered at the hands of the protesters, have been circulated.
Why the discrepancy in source of information? Why the failure to report all of the government’s previous numerous attempts to negotiate or invitations for protesters to go home? Why no broadcasts shown of the myriad ways the red protesters have terrorized and harmed innocent civilians by burning their shops, enclosing burning tyres around apartment buildings, shooting glass marbles at civilians from high altitudes, attacking civilians in their cars, and worst of all, obstructing paramedics and ambulances carrying civilians injured by M79 grenade blasts during the Silom incident of April 24, 2010, thereby resulting in the sole civilian casualty? The entire timeline of events that have forced the government to take this difficult stance has been hugely and callously ignored in deference to the red ‘underdogs’.
Mr. Rivers and Ms. Snider’s choice of sensational vocabulary and terminology in every newscast or news report, and choice of images to broadcast, has resulted in law-abiding soldiers and the heavily-pressured Thai government being painted in a negative, harsh, and oppressive light, whereas the genuinely violent and law-breaking arm of the anti-government protesters - who are directly responsible for overt acts of aggression not only against armed soldiers but also against helpless, unarmed civilians and law-abiding apolitical residents of this once blooming metropolis (and whose actions under American law would by now be classified as terrorist activities) – are portrayed as righteous freedom fighters deserving of worldwide sympathy and support. This has mislead the various international Human Rights watchdogs to believe the Thai government are sending trigger-happy soldiers out to ruthlessly murder unarmed civilians without just cause.
As a current resident of "war zone" Bangkok who has experienced the effect of the Red protests first hand and is living in a state of constant terror and anxiety as to whether her family, friends, and home would get bombed or attacked by the hardcore anti-government vigilantes/paramilitary forces - I appeal to CNN's professional integrity to critically investigate and scrutinize the misinformed news reporting of your above-named correspondents. If they are incapable of obtaining genuine, authentic facts from any other source except the Red Protest leaders and red-sympathizing Thai translators or acquaintances, or from fellow non-Thai-speaking journalists who are similarly ignorant of Thai language, culture, history, and society, then perhaps CNN should consider reassigning field correspondents to Thailand.
I implore and urge you to please take serious action to correct or reverse the grave injustice that has been done to the Thai nation, her government, and the majority of law-abiding Thai citizens and expatriate residents by having endorsed and widely circulated poorly researched and misrepresented news coverage of the current ongoing political unrest and escalating violence in Thailand.
Copies of this open letter have also been distributed to other local as well as international news media and social networks for public information. Please feel free to contact me further should you require any additional concrete and reputable evidence in substantiation and corroboration of my complaints and claims stated hereinabove.
19. Mai 2010
Vote or die: Tripping zählt auf dich!
Die regionale Band Tripping will vor einem grossen Publikum spielen, also vor einem richtig grossen Publikum. Die Rede ist vom Argovia-Fest. Damit die Jungs und ihre zauberhafte Sängerin Petra dies tun können, brauchen sie Eure Unterstützung.
My Coke Music veranstaltet noch bis Ende Monat ein Voting, die ersten 25 Bands kommen in die engere Auswahl und erhalten sich die Chance zum grossen Auftritt. Nun, einerseits ist die Band wie erwähnt aus unserer Region und - fast noch wichtiger - die Sängerin ist eine langjährige Freundin von mir. Darum liebe Blog-Leserinnen und Leser: Vote for Tripping! Ihr müsst Euch nur einmal kurz (und kostenlos) registrieren und dann könnt irh alle 24 Stunden neu eine Stimme abgeben. Man kann übrigens mit dem Voting auch noch was gewinnen...
Hier gehts direkt zum Voting!
17. Mai 2010
Schmaler Grat zwischen Freude und Trauer
Seit gestern Abend ist es also ganz offiziell soweit. Der FC Aarau ist nach 29 Jahren in die zweite Liga abgestiegen. Es hat am Donnerstag weh getan, am Freitag dann der Spiessrutenlauf dank dem "tollen" Foto - was sich inzwischen alles aufgeklärt (siehe Foto 2) hat. Danke an dieser Stelle an den FC Aarau, die AZ und die guten Menschen aus meinem direkten Umfeld. Samstag dann zurück zum Alltag und gestern als ich im Teleclub die letzten Sekunden NLA Fussball gesehen habe, war es dann noch einmal traurig. In den fast 30 Jahren hat man als Fan und zeitweise als Funktionär wirklich viele tolle Sachen erlebt, Erinnerungen halt. Angefangen beim Aufstieg, zu der Zeit hat mich mein Vater noch mit ins Stadion genommen. Über den Cupsieg und den Meister, bis hin zur legendären Reise nach Mailand wo wir im San Siro eine richtig gute Falle gemacht haben... Tja und nun heisst der Alltag Vaduz, Wil, Kriens, Wohlen und Stade Nyonnais. Vorbei ist es mit den Direktübertragungen der Auswärtsspiele im Teleclub und auch die Stimmung im Heimstadion dürfte weniger werden. Aber eben, sehen wir es als Chance. Der FC Aarau muss gesunden! Dafür braucht es aber in erster Linie Anfang Juni ein JA zum neuen Stadion, denn ohne das geht überhaupt nichts. Und ich finde, der FCA hat der Stadt in den letzten Jahren so viel gegegen, vorallem was den Ruf und die Bekanntheit angeht, dass es nun mal an der Zeit wäre, dass man Danke sagt. Und sei es "nur" in Form dass das Stimmvolk noch einmal Ja sagt zur Neugestaltung bzw. Umzonung - sprich zum Bau!
Während der FCA also abgestiegen ist hat mein Fussballherz Nummer 2 am Samstag Grund zur Freude gehabt. Olympique de Marseille ist offiziell französischer Meister! Das letzte Mal war das Anfang der 90er Jahre der Fall... als ich dann unten war hat OM in der zweiten Division gespielt. So gesehen mag ich es der ganzen Stadt oder noch besser der ganzen Region natürlich gönnen dass es in diesem Jahr endlich wieder für den Liga-Cup und den Titel gereicht hat. Tja und so spielt Marseille dann im Herbst wieder in der Champions League und mit dem FC Basel als Schweizer Meister stehen die Chancen ja nicht einmal schlecht dass das Losglück wie letztes Jahr wieder auf meiner Seite ist. Gefreut hat mich auch der Pokalsieg von Bayern München, unter dem Feierbiest Van Gaal spielt diese Truppe derzeit vielleicht den besten Fussball Europas. Entsprechend bin ich gespannt auf das Champions League Final vom Samstag gegen Inter. Warum ist das eigentlich am Samstag und nicht am Mittwoch? Egal. Weitere Sporthighlight des Weekends: die Schweizer Eisgenossen, welche eine tolle WM spielen, die Russen, denen es auch gut läuft. Der künftige Gegner Winterthur, welcher zu Hause noch einmal die Tormaschine angeschmissen hat. Roger Federers Finalteilnahme und Sebastien Buemis erster WM-Punkt in Monte Carlo.
Um noch einmal auf den FC Aarau zurückzukommen. Heute Abend gibts ja die GV der Aktiengestellschaft FC Aarau. Bin mal gespannt wie das kommt, finanziell und allgemein im Hinblick auf die Zukunft! Zudem soll man ja im Laufe des Tages noch den Namen des neuen Trainers fürs B erfahren. In der Gerüchteküche werden Latour oder Koko herumgereicht. Ebenso ist nicht ausgeschlossen, dass Ranko den Job weitermacht. Aber wie es so schön heisst, nach der Saison ist vor der Saison und es dürfte auch in den nächsten Tagen und Wochen nicht langweilig werden beim Brügglifeldclub. Und hey, im Gegensatz zum BSC YB ist unser letzter Meistertitel erst 17 Jahr her... hihi...!
15. Mai 2010
Der Song zum Wochenende
Guter Film, guter Text, guter Song!
Oh, it's a mystery to me.
We have a greed with which we have agreed
And you think you have to want more than you need
Until you have it all you won't be free
Society, you're a crazy breed
Hope you're not lonely without me...
When you want more than you have
You think you need...
And when you think more than you want
Your thoughts begin to bleed
I think I need to find a bigger place
Because when you have more than you think
You need more space
Society, you're a crazy breed
Hope you're not lonely without me...
Society, crazy indeed
Hope you're not lonely without me...
There's those thinking, more-or-less, less is more
But if less is more, how you keeping score?
Means for every point you make, your level drops
Kinda like you're starting from the top
You can't do that...
Society, you're a crazy breed
Hope you're not lonely without me...
Society, crazy indeed
Hope you're not lonely without me...
Society, have mercy on me
Hope you're not angry if I disagree...
Society, crazy indeed
Hope you're not lonely without me...
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